If you want to calculate your company’s profit margin, you need to calculate the stock turnover ratio. The ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory. You will need the average inventory to calculate the stock turnover ratio. If you have an inventory of ten thousand packs, your stock turnover ratio will be eighty percent. Alternatively, you can use the cost of goods sold per unit of inventory. The formula for this ratio is as follows.
When determining your inventory turnover ratio, you should consider your business’ sales and purchasing processes. Inventory turnover is an indicator of how effectively sales and purchasing departments are working together. You should strive to use less inventory than you have. The formula uses the average inventory, but some companies have higher or lower inventory at certain times of the year. For example, a clothing company may have a higher inventory turnover ratio than a grocery store. However, the turnover ratio is a valuable indicator of a company’s sales and purchasing processes.
The formula is most useful when the firm’s performance is above the industry average. But there are limitations. The figures in a company’s set of accounts are likely to be several months old. Additionally, the historical cost convention of balance sheet assets can produce misleading asset valuations. This makes it difficult to use ratios based on historical cost conventions. The ratios should be based on the performance over time. In other words, you need to compare performance over time with price changes.
A high inventory turnover ratio may indicate a company has excess inventory, while a low inventory turnover ratio could mean insufficient working capital. Using an inventory turnover ratio formula can help you determine if your company has excessive inventories. The ratio can help you determine if a company has excess inventory, which can lead to poor sales. The formula also helps you identify if you need to reduce your inventory level. There are other factors to consider when calculating your inventory turnover ratio, so you can optimize your business’s profit margins.
The liquidity ratio is another important factor. If the ratio is below two, you may have a liquidity problem. If it is over two, you should take action. If your ratio is over two, then you may have an overtrading problem. If it is under two, it indicates that your company has poor liquidity and is underutilizing current assets. When using this formula, make sure to review your current cash balance to determine if it is healthy or not.
The inventory turnover ratio also indicates the efficiency of your company’s inventory management. When it is high, you can reduce your holding costs by reducing the quantity of unsold inventory. When it is low, you can end up with excess inventory and inefficient inventory management. The higher the inventory turnover ratio, the more profitable your business is. However, if it is low, your business is likely to face many problems relating to obsolescence and fluctuating market prices.